Constructive community service is a founding VFW tenet (Tenet definition is - a belief or idea that is very important to a group). with volunteerism benefiting education, the environment, health sciences and civic projects. Community service must be conducted during the current Community Activity year.  


Community Service is defined as "Any activity or program sponsored or co-sponsored by a VFW Post and/or its VFW Auxiliary, which serves to benefit the city, town, neighborhood, other organizations, institutions or individuals NOT AFFILIATED with the VFW or its Auxiliary as a body.”  


Volunteer hours committed to projects and activities benefiting the Post and its affiliated units –as listed, CANNOT BE REPORTED.  Such as – Post dance; Post bingo, Post parties and/or Christmas parties.



The following are a few examples of program/projects for a Post within each category on standardized form.  This list of suggested activities is by no means a complete list of projects that can be accomplished.  Its sole purpose is to stimulate ideas and provide guidelines in your search for projects to perform.   However, remember that these activities CANNOT benefit the Post



A.  Sponsorship of:

1.   Blood drive

2.   Food drive

3.   Food Distribution program

4.   Recycling programs

5.   Safety program


B.  Flag details for public events 

C.  Get out the Vote program

D.  Financial/equipment support of public programs or entities



A.    Educational Material

B.     Flag Presentations

C.     Legislative

D.    Loyalty Day

E.     Parades

F.     POW/MIA Activity

G.    Public Ceremonies


A.    Blood Drives

B.     Hospital

C.     March of Dimes

D.    Nursing Homes

E.     Operation Uplink

F.     Senior Citizens Assistance



A.    Conduct a Voice of Democracy program

B.     Conduct a Patriot’s Pen program

C.     Conduct a Patriotic Art program

D.    Sponsor and support of a Scouting or youth unit.

E.     Conduct a Scout of the Year program

F.     Sponsorship of a youth sporting team

G.    Sponsor a youth event;

a.      Easter egg hunt

b.      Bike safety program

c.      Halloween party 

d.      Christmas party’s 

e.      Veterans in classroom

f.       Flag etiquette instruction

            g.  Support of a JROTC unit, Boy Scout Troop, Cub Scout Pack, Young Marine unit


A.    Pedestrian

B.     Drug Awareness

C.     Recreational

D.    Highway

E.     Fire

F.     Home

G.    Gun